[UPDATE] v56 - Stable update, new levels/mechanics and bugfixes

Almost 3 months after the previous version (v42), I'm back again with new stable updates. Following your feedbacks I've been very busy finding a specific niche that would – I hope – help me stand out Baby Dino Adventures from other platformer games.
I improved a lot of stuff, and fixed several bugs as well.
I'm going to talk about it very quickly below.
If you want to check the complete list, then jump to the Changelogs section below.
Concept & Ideas
I talked a lot about on social medias – mostly Twitter, I guess – I don't want players to kill anyone in the game. You'll rather kind of save them. I really want the game to be kids safe, and playable by the youngest ones. A cute platformer.
Each level got a specific amount of animals – which are only cats for now, but I plan to add some more soon – You'll have to save them all by jumping on their heads. They automatically become allies after that. Once you got the maximum number of allies in a level, the exit door becomes open, and you can then reach the next level.
I'm quite satisfied by how smooth the actual controls are with a gamepad, or keyboard. Ofcourse I owe a lot to the engine, Construct 3.
I got a lot of very positive feedbacks from a few of you that already played the game.
I think I found a nice balance with the run ability, and the jump behavior with gravity (both added since previous release). It allows some interesting possibilities regarding level design, and gameplay that I really want to challenge for next levels.
Now that the basic behaviors of Baby Dino are set, I already started thinking about new abilities, and/or power-ups. This is still very early to talk about yet anyway.. Yeah, s'ry for treasing... Haha.
Player Progression
Well, something that is entirely new with this version – and not very visible at the same time – is that the game now saves your progress automatically.
I actually spent a lot of time to optimize, and look for the best solution. I used to save datas in my previous games using the Local Storage plugin of Construct 3. It does a great job, honestly.
But this time, I'd really need a way to store a lot of information as well as save/edit it. That's why I'm talking about Player's Progression.
I heard a lot of pros about JSON, and that's why I did it a try. Someone from the C3 community suggested me to try the C3 JSON Manager plugin to deal easily with complex JSON files.
After a couple hours of tries, and online JSON lessons (mostly for best practices) here I am with an early working auto-save datas feature.
Story driven
Watching people play your game helps a lot on making decisions, that's a fact.
I think almost every players I saw until now actually unintentionally skip the story. I'm not saying it's players fault.. Ofcourse, not. It's entirely mine.
When you move around in a level or run freely, you're not supposed to expect some texts to pop-up. I'd prefer players to discover things on their own instead by a tutorial text...
As a player myself, I tend to like a game more when it has a strong story. I also realized I'm very much more into a game while stories involve emotions.
That's why I'd like to add a meaningful story to the game. Even if I have already a lot of ideas and that I don't know yet how it will end... I know I do want players to have strong emotions while playing.
What's Next?
This version is still a very early prototype as you might understand.
My to-do list is quite heavy until I release a first version, but here is a quick overview of what I plan to do next:
- Finish a total of 40 levels for World 1:
- Add more platform elements;
- Add more enemies;
- Add some NPCs (2, or 4 max);
- Add some power-up abilities;
- Add the very first Boss;
- Build following screens:
- End level screen;
- Start level screen;
- Load game screen;
- Credits screen;
- Translate game in following languages:
- French;
- Spanish;
- Dutch;
This is a copy-paste of my devlog.txt file that I use daily to keep track of what I'm doing.
It includes all changes since the previous stable version (v42).
Last update: Jan 21, 2019
- [FIXED] Added total number of kitties to totalEnemies Layout variable in all levels;
- [FIXED] If a TNT box is exploding and in collision with a kitty, he dies. Thanks Mickael Blutch for your bug report ♥;
- [IMPROVED] Added Z and W sprites animation to inputHelper object for AZERTY and QWERTY keyboards;
- [IMPROVED] Added a spawnObject boolean to Boxes family to avoid player frustration, and edited related levels (Forest-008, Forest-009, Forest-010, and Forest-012);
- [NEW] Added 1st soundtrack to the game: bda_track01-loop_2.webm. Thanks, Mickael!;
Last update: Jan 27, 2019
- [IMPROVED] Added a HeroCollision object to solve multiple collision issues:
- Platform behavior and collisions are set to HeroCollision object;
- Animations, color effects, and visual behaviors (like Flash, and Rotate) are set on Hero object;
Last update: Feb 7, 2019
- [FIXED] Gravity bug - I forgot to reset HeroCollision object to initial state on restart of a level;
Last update: Feb 13, 2019
- [IMPROVED] Number of kitties left is shown on locked door, and not everytime on center top of the screen:
- If Player saved all enemies, then show him a key so he knows he has to find it to open the door;
- Once Player got the key, door is open. Player can enter into next level;
- Top center of the screen now shows current Player score;
- [IMPROVED] Added a multiplicator character "*" or "x" to bordered Sprite font;
- [NEW] Started working on multi-language features:
- Added C3's Browser plugin;
- Added C3's JSON plugin;
- Added C3's AJAX plugin;
- Created a Language event sheet where I added multi lang logic;
- Created JSON files for EN, FR, and ES translations. Currently contains only panels text for Forest-001;
- Created a HUDLanguageList object, and its logic so that a player can change game current language on Pause menu;
Last update: Mar 4, 2019
- [WIP] Added a Cap sprite (heroCap) — Not implemented in-game yet:
- Add a variable e.g.: hasItem="copterCap";
- Added more logic;
Last update: Mar 6, 2019
- [FIXED] Removed misplaced green overlays on GroundTilemap. Updated "GroundTilemap1-6.png";
- [NEW] Added Overworld Map stuff to project — till a lot to do like;
- [NEW] Added some dancing plants sprites (grasses, a flower, and a bush) to levels till 5;
- [NEW] Mechanics:
- A cameraFocus boolean;
- HUDCameraOverlays objects;
- showCameraOverlays function;
- showCameraPath function;
- Added Camera animation while hero hit a [!] box, show him which Transparent Box appeared. Fixed all related levels;
- New concepts:
- Save all kitties to finish level;
- Smooth camera animation (w/ cameraPath & cameraOverlays) while:
- you make a key pop;
- you hit a [!] box;
Last update: Mar 22, 2019
- [NEW] Added Gamepad controls to Overworld map;
- [IMPROVED] Clean overworld map controls;
- [IMPROVED] Gamepad - Players can run by also putting down Right shoulder button;
- [IMPROVED] Cleaned exitDoor logic - no more key needed to open exitDoor;
Last update: Mar 24, 2019
- Stable version w/ 11 levels w/ new mechanic:
- [NEW] Save all kitties to end level — Key is not mandatory to open level doors;
- [NEW] Keys will be used to unlock secret areas instead;
- [IMPROVED] Overworld map working for gamepads, and touch devices;
- [NEW] New Pause screen w/ Tween animations 🙌🏽;
- [IMPROVED] Improved Gamepad support on:
- Overworld Map;
- Pause screen;
- [IMPROVED] Game is now compatible with 8BitDo gamepads 😎;
Last update: Apr 2, 2019
[i] Stable version also for touch controls;
- [IMPROVED] [Controls] 👆🏼/ 🖱- pauseMenu now compatible with touch and mouse inputs;
- [IMPROVED] [Controls] 👆🏼 - Added inputHelpers for touch input. Tap on buttonB to:
- Read storyText while overlapping a textPanel;
- Open a door while overlapping it;
- [FIXED] [Overworld] owmCamera initially invisible set to false;
- [FIXED] [Pause menu] 👆🏼 — Added condition: if hudMenuText opacity is not equal to 100, you can't select it;
- [NEW] playerProgression.json:
- Added JsonManager plugin to C3 project;
- Set C3 Project Editor properties Bundle addons to TRUE. This adds the Json Manager plugin depency to the C3 project;
- Set JsonManager properties:
- Json Files To Load;
- Json File Slot List;
- Ordered values into playerProgression.json file:
- highscore,
- playerBoxTotal,
- playerEnemiesSavedTotal,
- playerSteakTotal,
- worlds,
- worldName,
- levels,
- boxesCollected,
- boxesTotal,
- enemiesTotal,
- levelCompleted,
- levelName;
- Added logic for saving following data's:
- playerBoxTotal,
- playerEnemiesSavedTotal,
- playerSteakTotal,
- levelCompleted;
- Added corresponding values to levels keys in json file;
Last update: Apr 8, 2019
- [NEW] Added app icon assets;
- [NEW] Language - Added nl-NL translation keys to transGlobal.json, and transPanels.json;
- [NEW] playerProgression - Added boxesCollect/boxesTotal, and enemiesSaved/enemiesTotal to level overlays on overworld map. I'll probably change its aspect after to something more visual, with less texts for example;
- [NEW] Finished new Options screen;
Last update: Apr 17, 2019
Note: Following are changes made after Brotaru build
- [NEW] Concept change - Story driven:
- hasCompleted, and isCompleted level booleans added to playerProgression.json;
- Logic done:
- If 1st time player plays a level, story texts are forced and player can't moove until typewriter finished;
- If player already finished a level, story texts can be shown again if user press on related inputHelper controls;
- Disable controls until typewritter effect has ended. Only during 1st time player plays a level;
- Added a Panels boolean hasRead. It turns TRUE once related typewritter ended;
- All those values are stored locally in playerProgression.json;
- [NEW] Pause Screen:
- Rebuilt the Pause screen entirely;
- Created an Options screen where:
- Player can switch Input Type. Possible values are: keyboard, gamepad, and touch (this one is not yet 100% compatible, btw);
- Player can switch Language. Possible values are: english (by default), espagnol, français, nederlands. Note all translations are done. Mostly HUD texts, but that's not final ofc;
- Player can save above changes. Changes are saved into playerProgression.json local file;
- [IMPROVED] Controls:
- Overworld map:
- AZERTY & QWERTY keyboard compatible;
- Added Mouse support to allow click on levels. A double click starts a level;
- Hero now moves until next spot (small, or big grey/yellow circles on the map) instead of a boring cell per cell behavior
- Overworld map:
- [IMPROVED] Translations — Added translations to submit button on Options screen;
- [IMPROVED] HUD - Replaced visual level name with something more readable than its levelId. Ex.: Forest - Level 1;
- [IMPROVED] pauseMenu - Cleaned a lot of events + created handy functions;
- [FIXED] Translations - Startscreen now loads the right translations depending on Browser.Language code. You should no longer have empty texts;
- [FIXED] inputHelpers sometimes suddenly disappears due to a wrong collision polygon on Panels sprites;
- [FIXED] "fuSetTranslationPanels" function issue that crashes the game... Found during previous BROTARU event - A huge thx to the tester (I don't remember your name, s'ry :/) that found it;
- [FIXED] Overworld map - Added owmWallDestrFix objects to destroy remaining solid walls while player is at a position with multiple possible directions;
Last update: Apr 23, 2019
- [IMPROVED] Removed old unused stuff:
- Since new Pause and Options screens work I removed unused events from previous logic for:
- Change input type;
- Change language;
- Change level;
- C3 AJAX plugin;
- Since new Pause and Options screens work I removed unused events from previous logic for:
- [IMPROVED] Overworld Map:
- owmCamera - Set position related to owmHero position, and depending on owmCameraTrigger collisions;
- owmSpot - Moves are smoother, and owmHero moves directly to next levels. No more tile per tile behavior;
Last update: Apr 25, 2019
[i] Ready to publish
- [IMPROVED] Overworld Map - Enhanced HUD:
- owmBottomBar is always shown now;
- Animate owmBottomBar on start of World 1, and when player selects a level;
- New design;
- Fixed a few bugs related to old logic;
Ok. That's all... For now... 😅
Have fun!
Get Baby Dino (Old Prototype)
Baby Dino (Old Prototype)
Free prototype of Baby Dino Adventures. This is an old version I won't update anymore.
Status | Canceled |
Author | Sleeping Panda |
Genre | Platformer, Action, Puzzle |
Tags | 2D, Cats, construct, Controller, Cute, Dinosaurs, Pixel Art |
Languages | English, Spanish; Castilian, French |
Accessibility | High-contrast, Interactive tutorial, Textless |
More posts
- November 2019 Post-MortemJan 01, 2020
- Devtober 2019 Post MortemNov 04, 2019
- [v70] Major UpdateJul 21, 2019
- [v60] BIG Brotaru version + BugfixesMay 10, 2019
- [v58] Bridge level, 'Reset Data' button, and bug fixesMay 03, 2019
- [UPDATE] v54 - Major stable updateApr 17, 2019
- Weekly Update #16 - Overworld map previewMar 16, 2019
- Weekly Update #13 - Door Helpers 🚪Feb 15, 2019
- Weekly Update #14 - Translation SystemFeb 14, 2019
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