[v58] Bridge level, 'Reset Data' button, and bug fixes

A quick update was necessary since someone reported me a blocking issue on the level selection map – which I call 'Overworld Map'.
As you can see on the attached screenshot, Hero is sometimes floating around, and you can't move.
Hopefully this issue was quite easy to fix since I just forgot to init some variables under certain conditions.

I also added a useful 'Reset Data' button on Pause menu so that you can quickly reset your save file. This is mainly intended for development and testing purposes. Use it safely because if you do click on it, it'll erase your progression.

Lastly I'm glad to announce that I added the very first Bridge level – which is 'Forest-10'.

Here is the complete changes list since last version (v56):


Last update: Apr 27, 2019

[NEW] Debug - Added a 'Reset Data' button on Pause screen:
    - This is a quick way to reset current game progression to initial state;
    - This is intended for development purposes only;
    - I'll add a proper 'save/load game' screen later;


Last update: May 2, 2019

[NEW] Added lvlTilemapBridge assets:
    - Created logic behaviors with Hero;
    - Created a separated object for falling behavior;

[NEW] Added lvlTiledWater assets:
    - Animation is done. Sprite move left or right depending on Layout width;

[NEW] Added first level with a bridge: Forest-10;

[FIXED] Overworld Map - Sometimes Hero were lost in the top left of the screen.. I forgot to set variables in some conditions..;


BabyDino58--stable_web.zip 2.3 MB
May 03, 2019

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